High efficiency competent cells from Lucigen

  • Direct replacement for common cloning strains (e.g. DH10B, Top10, DH5alpha, XL1-Blue)
  • Optimized genetics: phage T1 resistant, endonuclease and recombination minus, blue/white screening-capable
  • Wide range of transformation efficiencies (from 1×106 to 4×1010 cfu/ug)
  • Cost savings - significantly cheaper than competitor's cells

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Chemically competent cells vs. Electrocompetent cells

Chemically competent cellsElectrocompetent cells
  • Easy to work with and ideal for routine cloning
  • Well-established protocols
  • No specialized equipment requirements (electroporators and cuvettes)
  • Inexpensive to use compared to electrocompetent cells
  • Transformation efficiency is typically 1–3 orders of magnitude lower than the equivalent electrocompetent cells
  • Ideal for producing large, high-diversity libraries
  • Higher transformation efficiencies compared to the equivalent chemically competent cells, increasing success in difficult cloning applications
  • Requires access to electroporation instrument

TG1 Electrocompetent Cells

Construct larger, more complex phage display libraries with highest efficiency cells. This amber suppressor strain can be used for phage display and protein expression.

Key features

  • Perfect for antibody phage display library creation
  • The highest efficiency TG1 competent cells available.
  • Create larger libraries; speed discovery
  • Bulk custom dispensing available with all of our phage display cells

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Product Details

Competent Cells include Control DNA and Recovery Medium and are packaged as DUOs (2 transformations per tube). Recovery Medium is also available separately. The specified transformation efficiencies are with pUC DNA, unless indicated otherwise.

Download Flyer - Competent Cells for larger phage display libraries

Endura Competent Cells

Clone and maintain unstable or repetitive sequences and lentiviral libraries with high efficiency. Ideal for GeCKO CRISPR library transformation.

Key features

  • Clone repetitive sequences and lentiviral libraries
  • Stabilise direct repeats and create lentiviral constructs
  • Generate CRISPR-GeCKO-Libraries-Endura lentiviral guide RNA libraries
  • Recommended in CRISPR GeCKO library protocols
  • Choose electrocompetent or chemically competent cells
  • Highest efficiency commercially available cells for lentiviral cloning

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Product Details

Endura™ Competent Cells include Control DNA and Recovery Medium, and are packaged as SOLOs (1 transformation per tube) or DUOs (2 transformations per tube) as indicated. Endura Electrocompetent cells are provided in DUOs format only. Recovery Medium is also available separately. The specified transformation efficiencies are with pUC DNA, unless indicated otherwise.

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Maintain unstable DNA

Endura Competent Cells are a commonly used strain for cloning sequences that suffer unwanted recombination events in other strains. Clones with inverted repeats or other sequences prone to recombination are commonly found in retroviral genes, and require cells such as Endura to be propagated stably.


Excellent value and efficiency! Switch to Endura cells today and experience a higher level of efficiency and a savings in your cloning budget.

Chemical or Electrocompetent. Whichever method of transformation you prefer, we can give you better efficiency and/or better prices.


High efficiency library cloning: E. cloni ® 10G SUPREME electrocompetent cells

Highest transformation efficiency achievable (4×1010 cfu/ug)

Available as single reactions, DUOs or sixpacks

Ideal for constructing complex libraries and challenging cloning experiments

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Standard subcloning: E. cloni ® 10G chemically or electro-competent cells

Ideal for routine subcloning (1×106 cfu/ug)

Available as single reactions or DUOs

Unbeatable price: CHF 2.25 per reaction

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Selected competent cells

Cat-No.ItemSizePrice (CHF)
60081-1E. cloni 10G Supreme Electrocompetent Cells12 reactions478.00
60080-2E. cloni 10G Supreme Electrocompetent Cells24 reactions770.00
60240-1Endura Chemically Competent Cells12 reactions263.00
60240-2Endura Chemically Competent Cells24 reactions463.00
60242-1Endura Electrocompetent Cells12 reactions309.00
60242-2Endura Electrocompetent Cells24 reactions540.00
60108-1E. cloni 10G Chemically Competent Cells, Subcloning Grade48 reactions117.00
60107-2E. cloni 10G Chemically Competent Cells24 reactions338.00

Need help choosing a strain?

Competent cell selection guide