We offer comprehensive services for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in collaboration with accredited state-of-the-art laboratories. Services can cover from sample isolation to sequencing and bioinformatics analysis.

One of our partner companies, Norgen Biotek, is specialized in ultra-low input samples including liquid biopsies (plasma/serum, urine and exosomes).

Contact us   for a fast & personal consultation.

From sample prep to data analysis – we’ve got it covered.

  • Whole Genome DNA Sequencing
  • Whole Exome DNA Sequencing
  • Targeted DNA Sequencing / Gene Panels
  • Amplicon Sequencing
  • Transcriptome Sequencing (RNA-seq)
  • Small RNA Sequencing
  • Single-cell DNA and RNA Sequencing
  • Microbiome Profiling
  • Epigenetic Services
  • Metagenomics Sequencing
  • SARS-CoV-2 Sequencing
  • Bioinformatic Solutions
  • and many more

Contact us  for a fast & personal consultation.

RNA-Seq Service Workflow


Get started by requesting your free consultation with our NGS service experts. We would love to discuss your research objectives and are happy to provide assistance in defining your project goals. We are here to provide customized recommendations to suit your project needs.

Request your consultation

Sample Submission & Shipping

Shipping your samples to our partner's facility is easy and painless! We’ll provide you with detailed instructions on how to handle, process and ship your samples to us. We accept both purified RNA and specimens for RNA isolation services.

If you are shipping specimens to us, a complete guide on sample collection and preservation will be provided to you.

Sample Isolation

Our partners have tremendous experience and expertise in isolating RNA from ultra-low concentration samples such as liquid biopsies (plasma, serum, urine, CSF), exosomes and FFPE. Utilizing our proprietary silicon carbide resin for all isolations allows them to capture miRNA with greater diversity and without the use of phenol.

RNA Quality Control

You can be confident that the sequencing portion of your project will be successful as our partners perform quality control on the isolated RNA to assess quantity, quality and amplifiability prior to library preparation.

Library Preparation

Our partners have expertise in RNA library preparation from all types of specimens, successfully generating libraries from ultra-low RNA inputs. They will generate the small RNA libraries using Norgen Biotek’s Small RNA Library Preparation Kit (for Illumina). The libraries will then undergo a quality check prior to sequencing.


Our partners will sequence the sample libraries on the Illumina® NextSeq platform to achieve your required coverage and read depth.

Bioinformatics Analysis

Once the sequencing is complete, the bioinformaticians conduct a comprehensive analysis to help make sense of your data. Customized advanced analyses, such as Differential Expression, KEGG/GO and Novel miRNA Discovery can be added to the service to answer a specific biological question. You will receive a final report, which will include a summary of your project as well as your data illustrated in ready-to-publish figures.

Contact us for a fast & personal consultation

LubioScience is a Scientist.com registered supplier

We offer a range of custom services via scientist.com, including recombinant protein expression, polyclonal, monoclonal and recombinant antibody production, antibody development, bulk oligo production, peptide synthesis, custom labelin, NGS services, and many more!

Visit our company profile on Scientist.com