Fast & personal consultation and full project support

Do you need reagents to advance your research that are not available? Or do you lack the in-house expertise or resources?

This is why LubioScience developed its range of Custom Services. We provide fast and personal consultation and offer full project support to make your custom production experience as smooth as possible. In collaboration with a number of trusted partners, we present you different solutions from which you can choose the most suitable option.

Project phases

Advantages of using our services

  • We are your local Swiss partner and offer full project support
  • We provide different options and offers - you choose the best solution for your project
  • You don't have to bother about international shipments or sending samples abroad - we simply pick it up from your lab
  • We work with a number of trusted suppliers with over 20+ years experience
  • All custom service projects are confidential

Available custom services

Antibody Production

Service Link

Custom Labeling Service

Service Link

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

Service Link

Other Custom Services

Service Link

Peptide Synthesis

Service Link

Recombinant Protein Expression

Service Link

What customers say about Lubio's service offering

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The LubioScience team provides excellent support and professional consulting for the most complex custom service projects. The team has a deep scientific understanding, is very flexible, fast, well organized, motivated and friendly. Instead of spending hours to find the right solution, I turn to the LubioScience service team and can be assured that I have access to the best possible options. It is a real pleasure to work with them - highly recommended!

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Eric Hatterer, Discovery Project Leader, Light Chain Bioscience

More information

Lubio services - rebombinant proteins and antibodiesdownload

Contact us for a fast & personal consultation of your custom service project

LubioScience is a registered supplier

We offer a range of custom services via, including recombinant protein expression, polyclonal, monoclonal and recombinant antibody production, antibody development, bulk oligo production, peptide synthesis, custom labelin, NGS services, and many more!

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