Targeted next generation sequencing, or NGS, is a method for sequencing specific areas of a whole genome or specific sequences for in-depth analysis and a more cost-effective method than whole genome sequencing (WGS).
Our new Targeted Sequencing Handbook offers an overview on hybridization capture and amplicon sequencing to help guide you through the applicable NGS workflows, key steps for NGS library preparation, how to select genetic targets, and an introduction to Normalase™ technology.
Download your copy here

xGen Exome Research Panel v2

Higher on-target percentage - even with a 12-plex capture

The xGen Exome Hyb Panel v2 is designed using a target-aware algorithm that reduces off-target binding while maximizing coverage. We manufacture this panel under ISO 13485 standards as a single large lot, promoting equal representation and consistency from one aliquot to the next.

xGen Exome Research Panel v2 consists of 415,115 individually synthesized and quality controlled xGen Lockdown Probes. The panel spans a 34 Mb target region (19,433 genes) of the human genome and covers 39 Mb of probe space, the genomic regions covered by probes. Probes were designed using our new “capture-aware” algorithm and assessed with proprietary off-target analysis, ensuring the most complete design coverage. All probes in the panel are manufactured under strict ISO 13485 standards. Mass spectrometry and dual quantification measurements of each probe ensure the quality of the probe and its appropriate representation in the pool.

  • Obtain consistent results with individually synthesized target capture probes manufactured under strict ISO 13485 standards
  • Achieve deep and uniform coverage even across difficult GC-rich regions
  • Integrate with common sequencing platform
Cat-No.ItemSizePrice (CHF)
10005151xGen Exome Hyb Panel v2, 4 rxn4 reactions685.00
10005152xGen Exome Hyb Panel v2, 16 rxn16 reactions3'062.00
10005153xGen Exome Hyb Panel v2, 96 rxn96 reactionsprice on request

xGen™ Predesigned Hybridization Capture Panels

xGen Predesigned Hyb Panels are stocked enrichment panels for targeted next generation sequencing (NGS) research. The panels consist of individually synthesized and quality-controlled xGen Hyb Probes that are designed for use with the xGen Hybridization Capture Core Reagents to perform targeted sequencing.

  • Achieve uniform coverage and reliable capture results from a broad offering of xGen Predesigned Hyb Panels
  • Updated, automation-friendly protocol enables various levels of throughput
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xGen Exome Hyb Panel

The xGen Exome Research Panel v2 spans a 34 Mb target region (19,433 genes) of the human genome and covers 39 Mb of end-to-end tiled probe space.

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xGen AML Cancer Hyb Panel

Predesigned panel for NGS research targeting >260 genes associated with AML for more efficient detection of disease-causing mutations.

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xGen Pan-Cancer Hyb Panel

Predesigned panel that captures 127 significantly mutated genes implicated across 12 tumor types for deeper sequencing coverage.

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xGen Inherited Disease Hyb Panel

Predesigned panel for targeted enrichment of genes and SNPs associated with inherited diseases.

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xGen Human ID Hyb Panel

Predesigned spike-in panel for targeted enrichment of a definitive set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) selected to identify a unique individual from a population of over 5 million biological samples.

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xGen Human mtDNA Hyb Panel

Predesigned spike-in panel for cost-effective and accurate identification of sequence variants in mitochondrial DNA.

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xGen CNV Backbone Hyb Panel

Predesigned spike-in panel that can be used to identify copy number variations in human NGS research data.

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xGen SARS-CoV-2 Hyb Panel

The xGen SARS-CoV-2 Hyb Panel for research spans the complete viral genome and is not susceptible to known and novel mutations arising from diverse strains.

xGen™ Custom Hybridization Capture Panels

Custom target enrichment panels for maximum flexibility

xGen Custom Hyb Panels include your choice of high-fidelity, individually synthesized, 5′-biotinylated oligos for targeted NGS research. IDT proprietary DNA synthesis produces rapid, high-quality panels that can be optimized, expanded, and combined with other panels in research studies.

  • Includes an NGS Functional Test Report† with specific capture metrics to ensure confidence
  • Delivered typically in as few as 3 weeks
  • Accel available in 5 business days
  • Affordable options available for any size panel
  • Create your custom panel design using xGen Panel Design Tool
  • Reliable lot-to-lot results instills confidence in panel functionality
  • Production provides additional quality documentation, including ESI/MS on individual probes

†Not provided with the xGen Custom Hyb Panel—Accel option

FeaturexGen Custom Hyb PanelxGen Custom Hyb Panel—AccelxGen Custom Hyb Panel—Production
Custom design service
Quality synthesis
NGS Functional Test Report 
Quality documentation  
Stock custom panel
Reaction sizes16, 96, custom16, 96, custom16, 96, custom
Turnaround timeTypically within 3 weeksWithin 5 business daysProject dependent

xGen Universal Blockers

Improve on-target performance during targeted sequencing by reducing adapter-to-adapter hybridization

xGen univeral blockers bind to library adapter sequences to reduce off-target capture during library enrichment. Choose from convenient, optimized, predesigned mixes or build your own custom blocking oligo. xGen Universal Blockers are designed for use with Illumina indexed adapters. These ready-to-use mixes effectively block dual- or single-index adapters to significantly improve on-target performance.

  • Reduce sequencing cost per sample by improving on-target performance
  • Effectively block a variety of index adapter designs with proprietary sequence modifications
  • Eliminate complicated blocker selection by using worry-free formulations compatible with library prep kits, such as Illumina’s ligation-based TruSeq® kit or Illumina’s Nextera® kit
  • Reduce workflow steps with a convenient premixed liquid formulation

Custom xGen Blocking Oligos are also available for other platforms, including Ion Torrent, and specialized applications.

Read more about xGen Universal Blockers

xGen Hybridization and Wash v2 Kit

Optimized reagents for the xGen hybridization capture workflow

The xGen Hybridization and Wash Kit contains optimized buffers, Cot DNA, xGen 2x HiFi PCR Mix, and streptavidin beads for use with xGen™ Hyb Panels in hybridization capture target enrichment. This kit includes two products - the reagents component and the streptavidin beads component, used together for performing hybridization target enrichment. Both components must be purchased together in equal quantities.

  • Achieve uniform coverage and robust capture performance across a broad range of xGen hybridization probe panels
  • Generate highly reproducible targeted NGS data with quick and easy workflow results
  • Updated, automation-friendly protocol enables various levels of throughput

Read more about IDT's xGen Hybridization and Wash Kit

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, IDT does not intend for these products to be used in clinical applications and does not warrant their fitness or suitability for any clinical diagnostic use. Purchaser is solely responsible for all decisions regarding the use of these products and any associated regulatory or legal obligations.