The key to successful single-cell RNA extraction and NGS

RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) has facilitated transcriptomics, which is the study of the entire RNA complement in a sample.  It offers a snapshot of genes expressed within a particular tissue, cell type or single cell.  Comparison of cell populations under differing environmental conditions can provide information on changes in gene expression permitting a better understanding of genomics, cellular regulation and the overall function of an organism or tumour microenvironment.

RNA-Seq strategies generally use next generation sequencing technology (NGS) to analyse the transcriptome. These technologies offer an advantage over other approaches such as quantitative or real-time reverse-transcriptase PCR (RT-qPCR) or microarrays which are limited to exploring known genes for which markers can be generated. It is a flexible application, permitting analysis of the whole genome, including rare and unknown sequences, offering a glimpse into the big picture. It can however also be focused on specific subsets of genes depending on how the experiment is designed.

More recent advances have established the technique of single-cell RNA-Seq.  This technique permits analysis at such a granular level, subtle but functional changes in expression within a specific cell type can be observed that would remain hidden within a larger mixed cell population.  Analysis of the specific as opposed to the average expression of a gene is therefore possible.  Single-cell approaches will improve our understanding of tissues and how they are formed by a complex network of distinct single cells, coordinated to achieve a specific function.

Single-cell RNA-Seq can be used to:
•    Identify novel subpopulations of cells
•    Compare cell types from samples across different treatments
•    Map gene expression profiles for novel cell subpopulations
•    Identify altered states as a result of drug or conditional challenge 

Common and key to all single-cell approaches whether it is RNA-Seq or RT-qPCR however, is the requirement to first isolate high-quality RNA from single-cell samples.  LubioScience, through their relationships with Norgen Biotek Corp and IDT (Integrated DNA Technologies) have the solution for both RNA isolation and purification from single cells and NGS RNA library preparation, making them your partner for single cell RNA analysis.

Single cell RNA Purification

Recent years have seen the development of highly sensitive cell separation and detection techniques such as Laser-Captured Microdissection (LCM) and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS).  These techniques enable isolation of small populations of tissue and single cell respectively.  New single cell amplification technologies such as whole genome amplification and increases in detection limits have permitted the use of RT-qPCR, microarrays and RNA sequencing at single cell resolution.  However, despite technology advancements, the number of products available for RNA purification remain limited, with most still focused on preparation from cell lysates.  

The single cell RNA purification kit from Norgen Biotek Corp however, offers a rapid and sensitive method for the isolation and purification of total RNA from small input quantities of animal cells, sorted cells, and microdissected samples including LCM. With recovery of RNA from single cell to 2 x 105 quantities, the kit purifies all sizes of RNA from large mRNA to small interfering RNA (siRNA).

Single Cell RNA Purification Kit Benefits
Small elution volumesThe micro spin-column allows a small elution volume of as little as 8 ul.
Isolate a diversity of RNA speciesAll RNA species can be isolated from large mRNA and ribosomal RNA down to microRNA (miRNA) and small interfering RNA (siRNA) without compromising total yield.
Fast and easy processingRapid spin-column format allows the processing of 10 samples in as little as 20 minutes.
Ideal for small samplesIsolate total RNA from small input amounts of cultured animal cells, sorted cells, and microdissected samples, including LCM.  Total RNA has been isolated and detected from single animal cells.
Recovered RNA is suitable for downstream applicationsPurified RNA can be used in a number of downstream applications:
•    Real-time PCR
•    Reverse transcription PCR Northern blotting 
•    RNAse protection and primer extension
•    Expression array analysis requiring intact RNA


NGS RNA Library Preparation

The applications of RNA-Seq are various offering us a better understanding of genomics, diseases states, cellular regulation and overall organism function:
•    Gene expression profiling
•    Whole transcriptome research
•    Alternative splicing isoform identification
•    Rare and novel transcript discovery
•    Research on gene fusions, isoforms and structural variants
•    Allele-specific expression studies
•    Research on diseases associated SNVs
•    Total RNA + hybridization capture enrichment experiments
All RNA-Seq experiments begin with library preparation and via IDT, LubioScience is able to offer a variety of tools including:

xGen Broad-Range RNA Library Prep Kit.

For low inputs of RNA (~100 pg mRNA or ~10 ng total RNA), this kit allows you to deepen your rare and novel transcript discovery.  Offering high mapping rates, greater gene and transcript detection numbers and consistent performance across a broad range of inputs.

xGen RNA Library Kit.

For higher inputs of RNA (>5 ng mRNA or >100 ng total RNA), this kit allows you to accelerate your gene expression profiling studies.  Offering an expedited ~3.5 hour workflow and consistent performance across inputs.These kits off fast NGS transcriptomics research workflow with comprehensive transcript coverage and NGS data quality from a broad range of input quantities for Illumina® sequencing platforms. Leveraging proprietary AdaptaseTM technology, these RNA library prep kits enable stranded RNA library construction directly from 1st strand cDNA without the requirement for 2nd strand cDNA synthesis and degradation, or template-switching methods. The kits are compatible with manual and automated workflows, as well as upstream and downstream enrichment and depletion methods. They support a variety of indexing options in research studies.

xGen Broad-Range RNA Library Prep KitxGen RNA Library Kit
Comprehensive data - for mapping rates, gene identification & transcript coverageReliable functionality – maintains ligation efficiency at all supported inputs with no adapter titration required
Consistent results - from 10 ng to 1 ug total RNA or 100 pg to 100 ng mRNA inputIndexing – combinatorial dual indexing up to 96-plex, unique dual indexing up to 1536-plex and enzymatic library normalization available.
Consistent libraries – minimal adapter dimers = no adapter titration for supported inputsAutomation-friendly
Save time and cost – From RNA to library in 4.5 hours with a wide variety of index options from 1536 UDI primer pairs to 96 CDI primer pairsSave time and cost – results in as little as 3.5 hours.  Process more samples in less time to increase your data output.
Workflow – designed for easy automationWorkflow – supports many workflows with indexing options, automation, and Normalase™ Technology

Learn more

Kit specifications

FeatureSpecification - xGen Broad-Range RNA Library Prep KitSpecification - xGen RNA Library KitBenefit
Input quantity10 ng–1 µg total RNA
100 pg–100 ng mRNA
100 ng to 1 μg total RNA
5 ng to 100 ng mRNA
Supports a wide input range
Consistent library output
RNA types supportedPoly(A)-enriched mRNA
Ribo-depleted RNA
Total RNA
Supports most RNA applications
TechnologyAdaptase tailing and ligation of 1st strand cDNANo 2nd strand cDNA
No adapter titration
Fewer dimers and duplicates detected in internal research studies
Maintains strandedness (≥97%)
Higher mapping, transcript detection
Workflow time4.5 hours3.5 hoursLess hands-on time
Kit reaction sizes4x96, 96 and 16Evaluation and adoption
Components providedFragmentation module
RT module
Library prep
Complete solution for processing total, enriched, or depleted RNA from transcript to library
Indexing optionsCombinatorial dual
Unique dual
Normalase compatible
Flexible for different sequencers, workflows, and applications
Multiplexing capacityUp to 1536 librariesSave sequencing costs
AutomationCompatible with liquid handlers
Custom packaging available
Supports high-throughput applications

Single-cell RNA seq Services:

The easiest way to get your single-cell RNA seq results is by using LubioScience’s NGS single-cell RNA seq service services.

The service includes:

  • Cell preparation
  • Sample processing
  • Library generation
  • Sequencing
  • Bioinformatic analysis

Contact us for a fast and personal consultation at


Cat-No.ItemSizePrice (CHF)
51800Single Cell RNA Purification Kit50 preparations521.00

More about RNA purification     xGen NGS RNA library preparation       Lubio Services