Webinar: PARP inhibition restores MAPK inhibitor sensitivity in melanoma
Postdoc Webinar Series: LubioScience and GeneTex are honoured to host Dr. Lorenza Ferretti, a senior postdoctoral research fellow in the laboratory of the distinguished Prof. Michael Hottiger at the University of Zürich, Dept. of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease. Dr. Ferretti's work has focused on the discovery and characterization of epigenetic alterations responsible for MAPKi resistance.
Cutaneous malignant melanoma is the most aggressive type of skin cancer and is responsible for approximately 75% of all skin tumor deaths. Inhibitors of the MAPK signaling pathway (MAPKi) have become important therapies to combat this disease, though resistance to these agents limits their long-term benefit. Understanding how MAPKi resistance arises will offer insight into how to defeat it.
Dr. Lorenza Ferretti’s work focuses on the discovery and characterization of epigenetic alterations responsible for MAPKi resistance. In this webinar, Dr. Ferretti will present her 3D drug screening approach in patient-derived melanoma cells and her compelling findings that PARP inhibition dramatically enhances the efficacy of MAPK inhibitors in cells previously resistant to these agents.
Speaker: Dr. Lorenza Ferretti, University of Zürich, Switzerland, Dept. of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease
Moderator & Host: Dr. Fitsum Mehari, Technical Sales Representative, LubioScience GmbH
Co-Host: Dr. Alexander Ball, Senior Scientist GeneTex, Inc. USA
When: Thursday, May 5th at 16:00 CEST to 17:00 CEST
Where: Online (free)
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