LubioScience offers high-quality sample collection tubes by Norgen Biotek, a Canadian biotechnology company. Norgen has a wide range of collection and preservation devices for biological material such as blood, saliva, urine and stool.

Download Norgen's Sample Collection Booklet or read on for more information.

If you are interested in simple saliva collection for the analysis of hormones and other analytes, check out Salimetrics' collection devices.

cf-DNA/cf-RNA preservative tubes

For whole blood collection and preservation of cell-free circulating DNA and RNA in one tube!

Norgen’s 10ml collection PET tubes are vacuumed to draw 8.4ml of blood. They contain a preservative that prevents apoptosis of blood cells and fragmentation of genomic DNA. This preservative is formaldehyde-free, so you do not have to worry about cross-linking of DNA. These blood collection tubes are available in two formats: research-use format and CE-IVD marked for use in in vitro diagnostic workflows.

  • Preserve cf-DNA & cf-RNA for 30 days at room temperature (15-25°C)
  • Preserve Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) for 14 days at room temperature (15-25°C)
  • Prevent hemolysis
  • Produce high quality/quantity of plasma cf-DNA/cf-RNA
  • No plasma volume loss during shipping (recovered plasma ca. 6-7ml)
  • Prevent gDNA release into plasma during shipping
  • Stable at high shipping temperatures (37°) for eight days

Product flyer

No plasma volume loss after shipping/transportation

Blood was drawn from 6 different donors in duplicate. One set was kept in the lab at room temperature and the other was packed in an insulated box and shipped from Thorold, ON via overnight air freight to Winnipeg, MB and then back to Thorold ON (elapsed time 72 h). Upon return, preserved samples were stored at room temperature for 7 days before plasma was separated.

Cat-No.ItemSizePrice (CHF)
63950cf-DNA/cf-RNA Preservative Tubes50 tubes602.00
Dx63950cf-DNA/cf-RNA Preservative Tubes Dx50 tubes632.00

Saliva collection

Saliva RNA collection and preservation devices

  • Non-invasive, user-friendly sample collection
  • Preserved RNA is stable for up to 2 months at room temperature
  • Compatible with most RNA isolation methods, optimized for use with Norgen's purification technology.
  • High quality RNA is suitable for sensitive downstream applications including RT-PCR, RT-qPCR, RNA sequencing and microarray
  • Viral inactivation for safe transport & handling (see app. note 93)
  • Tested on SARS-CoV-2 virus (see app. note 94)
  • CE-IVD marked version available

Read about saliva as an alternative to swabs on Norgen's blog


Saliva collection for analyte assays

Salimetrics offers collection devices for passive drool and oral swabs specific for adults, small children and animals.

Read the Salimetrics saliva collection flyer


Stool nucleic acid collection and preservation

Preserve microbiota profiles

For the rapid preservation of nucleic acids from fresh stool specimens

  • The preservative provides sample homogeneity, eliminating sample variability
  • Preserve and safely transport DNA & RNA at ambient temperature
  • No cold shipping/storage needed - hassle-free and cost effective
  • Isolate nucleic acids for any application including 16s NGS
  • Robust preservation over a range of temperatures
  • Eliminates odor and renders samples safe and non-infectious

Find out more

Read flyer on stool preservation

Urine Collection and Preservation

  • Preservation of RNA/microRNA/DNA/proteins for > 2 years at RT
  • Samples can be shipped at RT
  • Compatible with most DNA, total RNA, microRNA and protein isolation methods
  • Buffer preserves exfoliated cells, bacterial cells and viruses without lysis
  • Preservative renders the urine sterile (noninfectious) while preserving the integrityof DNA, RNA, exosomes and proteins
  • Inhibits growth of microbes enabling higher sensitivity isolation of low expression targets

Urine collection flyer

Once you have collected your samples, you will probably want to isolate DNA or RNA next – consider using one of Norgen’s kits for quick and high quality purification on our DNA purification or RNA purification pages.

Or are you interested in purifying proteins? You can find more information on Norgen's website right here.