Tomorrow’s platform for protein extraction and cell fractionation
Founded in 2010, Invent Biotechnologies is the inventor of spin column-based protein extraction and cell fractionation. They successfully developed the Minute™ series of protein extraction and sub-cellular fractionation products.
Invent Biotechnologies offers proprietary processes and formulations that are revolutionary and give you the fastest, easiest and most reliable ways to extract proteins and separate cell fractions. Replace your tedious methods with Minute™ and a tabletop centrifuge!
Their kits are RIPA-free.
Product offering
MinuteTM kits are available for
- Rapid protein extraction, e.g. Total Protein Extraction Kit
- Subcellular structure fractionation, e.g. Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Extraction Kit for Cells
- Specialty areas, e.g. Rubisco Depletion Kit
In addition, Invent Biotechnologies also offers reagents, e.g. the Albumin Depletion Reagent for Plasma and Serum (#WA-013).
Check out the available products!
Shop now Protein extraction kit list Cell fractionation kit list
See for yourself how easy it is!
Rapid protein extraction
- Super fast (as quick as 1 minute)
- Small sample size
- Suitable for all living organisms (animal, plants and microbes) and all tissue types
- Complete protein profile
- For all labs
- Validated by end users
Subcellular structure fractionation
- No homogenizer
- No density gradient
- No ultracentrifugation
- Just a tabletop centrifuge & under 90 minutes!
Spin column cell fractionation kits are available for
- Plasma membrane (animal and plant)
- Nuclear/cytoplasm
- Intact nuclei
- Nuclear envelop
- Nuclear matrix
- Mitochondria
- Plant microsomal membrane
- Plant chloroplast
- Endosome
- Lysosome
- Golgi apparatus
- Endoplasmic reticulum
- Exosome
- Lipoprotein lipid droplet
- Lipid raft